

With the gwp_urlencode Merge Tag Modifier for Gravity Forms you can encode the field value with the purpose to pass it as an url parameter for dynamic population. List field values are also supported, provided the values do not contain row/column separator characters like , or |.


Encoding values of special fields

gwp_urlencode supports creating url parameters for List Fields and Checkbox Fields. It might not support other special fields with complex values. Please let us know by raising a support question and we will add it for you.


If you want to use this Modifier, just place is after the Field ID in the Merge Tag, like this:

“Quotes” and spaces%22Quotes%22%20and%20spaces

Last updated: 19-10-2022

Advanced Merge Tagsv1.6.1

To use the functionalities described in this documentation, you'll need to get the GravityWP - Advanced Merge Tags add-on.

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