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Add a Dropdown Select column in a List Field.

Add a Dropdown Select with choices to a column or multiple columns in a Gravity Forms List Field.

v2.1.1 (July 26, 2024)



$49.00 (yearly, excl. VAT)

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With the List Dropdown Add-on for Gravity Forms you can change List Field columns into a dropdown select field with predefined choices.

Screenshot of the available List Field Dropdown settings in the Gravity Forms editor.
Screenshot of the available List Field Dropdown settings in the Gravity Forms editor.


  • Make Dropdown Select List Columns
    Turn your List Field columns into dropdown select fields with predefined choices. Supports both single and multicolumn Lists.
  • Enhanced User interface option
    As in the default Gravity Forms dropdown select fields you can apply the enhanced user interface, which uses the chosen library to .
  • Backwards compatible
    Compatible with the discontinued Drop Down Options in List Field for Gravity Forms plugin, except for the ‘Enable add options’ feature, which allowed users to add undefined options.

Refund Policy
Within 30 days of your initial purchase, you are entitled to a complete refund with no hassle. In order for us to improve our Add-ons, we do ask that you provide a good justification and feedback for your request for a refund.

List Dropdown on GravityForms.com