

The gwp_date_created Merge Tag returns a modified date time relative to the date time when the entry was created in the desired format.


modify (optional)For available date time modifications, see
format (optional, default =’Y-m-d H:i:s’)For an explanation of available format options, see Regular character can be escaped using a backslash /. For example: ‘d/m/Y\ \a\t\ H:i:s’.
timezone (optional, default is WordPress timezone setting)For available timezones, see For example: Europe/Amsterdam
It is also possible to use an offset value: +0200


{gwp_date_created modify="+1 day" format="d-m-Y H:i:s"}

When the entry is created on 2021-03-30 12:21:23 this returns ’31-03-2021 12:21:23′

{gwp_date_created modify="-1 day" format="d-m-Y"}

When the entry is created on 2021-03-30 12:21:23 this returns ’29-03-2021′

Last updated: 20-01-2022

Advanced Merge Tagsv1.8.3

To use the functionalities described in this documentation, you'll need to get the GravityWP - Advanced Merge Tags add-on.

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