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Developer: Rocketgenius, Inc.

Rocketgenius builds advanced software solutions. Rocketgenius is the team behind Gravity Forms.

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Change gravity forms field type - header image

Modify the Field Type in Gravity Forms by swapping Field ID's

Evolving requirements for your form might require switching from a text input to a dropdown menu for predefined options, or using a date picker instead of a text field for dates. But often you want to retain the field id, because of conditional logic or you want to retain the values of existing entries.
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Change field type in an existing Gravity Form

Do you want to change the type of an existing field in an existing Gravity Forms? This handy little snippet does the trick.

Gravity Forms Inception - Building a Form with a Form

With Gravity Forms in combination with some Add-ons, you can create a form to create another form. This can be particularly handy when you have a solid structure for a form, but the only difference is the questions you ask.

iDEAL payments with Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On

Do you want to support iDEAL payments in Gravity Forms when using Stripe as a payment provider in stead of Mollie?

Clean uploaded filenames

Do you want to clean special characters, accented characters or glyphs like € and £ or whitespace characters from uploaded filenames?

Export Entries to Excel and CSV Gravity Forms

Do you want to export data from your Gravity Forms to Excel or CSV? There are multiple ways to do that. We describe here our favorite ones, like the default Gravity Forms export functionality (only CSV) and the Add-ons DataTables and GravityExport.

Browser Back button Warning in a Multipage Gravity Form

There is no good way to create a cross browser safe way to block the back button and/or the backspace key. But there is a javascript event which fires before a webpages unloads itself from the browser window. We can use this to achieve a workable solution.

Unique Path for Every Upload Gravity Forms

ormally uploads in a Gravity Form are stored in the same folder. This is a problem when uploaded files are privacy sensitive and you want to share the links to files with people who filled in a form. They know the way to the folder, so they can get access to files from others (merely by guessing). Thankfully, it is possible to create unique folders for each upload.

Likert Scale Question Gravity Forms

Do you want to show a Likert scale question in your Gravity Forms? With the Survey Add-On for Gravity Forms that’s easy to do. It also provides an option to define Multiple Rows to make a multi dimensional Likert Scale Question (both horizontal as vertical labels).

Ranking (order) Question Gravity Forms

You want visitors or users to rank different answers (set them in a specific order)? The survey Add-On for Gravity Forms makes that possible. You can give different options and ask your visitor to rank them a certain way, for example the best highest and the worst lowest.

Radio Button Images Gravity Forms

Did you know you can use images in your radio buttons in Gravity Forms? This is a nice way to provide your visitors with a visual, appropriate image to select when they provide information. You see it already as a design pattern, so use it also in your Gravity Form!

User Friendly Error Message Gravity Forms

Do you want to change the standard error text (when people did something wrong on your form). It looks quite unfriendly, the standard validation error. So let’s make it a little bit more friendly. You find the PHP and CSS code you need to do just that.

Star Rating Field Gravity Forms

Do you want to add a rating field to your Gravity Form? For example to rate an experience, article or for another evaluation? With the Survey Add-On you can easily add a Rating field to your webform.

Checkbox Images Gravity Forms

Did you know you can use images in your checkbox in Gravity Forms? This is a nice way to provide your visitors with a visual, appropriate image to select when they provide information. You see it already as a design pattern, so use it also in your Gravity Form!

Change Ajax Spinner Gravity Forms

Do you want to change the Ajax Spinner for your gravity forms?