Did you know you can use images in your checkbox in Gravity Forms? This is a nice way to provide your visitors with a visual, appropriate image to select when they provide information. You see it already as a design pattern, so use it also in your Gravity Form!
Configuration in Gravity Forms
You can add an image tag inside the label of a Checkbox field:
Code used in this example
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/smiley-1.jpg" alt="Happy"></img>
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/smiley-2.jpg" alt="Crazy"></img>
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/smiley-3.jpg" alt="Not happy"></img>
Checkbox Images with JetSloth
You can also use the Gravity Forms Image Choices plugin from JetSloth to add images to Checkbox fields.
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Rocketgenius builds advanced software solutions. Rocketgenius is the team behind Gravity Forms.
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