TutorialRadio Button Images Gravity Forms

Did you know you can use images in your radio buttons in Gravity Forms? This is a nice way to provide your visitors with a visual, appropriate image to select when they provide information. You see it already as a design pattern, so use it also in your Gravity Form!

Configuration of Radio Button Images in Gravity Forms

You just add an <img> tag in the label, containing the image you want to show.

HTML code used in this example

In this example we used the following code to show images in our Gravity Forms Radio button field:

<img src="http://gravitywp.com/gravity/uploads/2015/10/smiley-1.jpg" alt="Happy"></img>
<img src="http://gravitywp.com/gravity/uploads/2015/10/smiley-2.jpg" alt="Crazy"></img>
<img src="http://gravitywp.com/gravity/uploads/2015/10/smiley-3.jpg" alt="Not happy"></img>

Image Choices Plugin (JetSloth)

JetSloth made a Gravity Forms add-on to make adding images to radio-buttons (and checkboxes) even more simple. Read more about the Image Choices plugin for Gravity Forms.

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Rocketgenius builds advanced software solutions. Rocketgenius is the team behind Gravity Forms. Visit GravityForms.com
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