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TutorialConnect WooCommerce to Gravity Forms

Do you want to create a new Gravity Forms entry the moment an order is processed in WooCommerce? Or when a payment is pending, on hold, completed, cancelled, refunded or failed? With the WooCommerce Add-on for Gravity Flow you can do that easily and create follow-up Workflow Steps after the entry is created.

Trigger new entry on WooCommerce payment statuses

With the WooCommerce Add-on for Gravity Forms (from Gravity Flow) enabled, you’ll have an extra setting available in your Gravity Form: Woocommerce:

Screenshot of Settingspage WooCommerce Add-on Gravity Forms.
Screenshot of Settingspage WooCommerce Add-on Gravity Forms.

Enabling the ‘Create Entry’ will generate automatically an entry in the specific Gravity Form whenever a defined WooCommerce payment status is triggered:

Screenshot when WooCommerce Add-on for Gravity Forms is enabled.
Screenshot when WooCommerce Add-on for Gravity Forms is enabled.

You can also choose to only create an entry in this form on certain payment events: Pending payment, Processing, On hold, Completed, Cancelled, Refunded, Failed.

Screenshot of available payment statuses on which a new Gravity Forms entry should be created.
Screenshot of available payment statuses on which a new Gravity Forms entry should be created.

Mapping WooCommerce Order Properties to your Gravity Form

You can select Fields from your Gravity Form to fill with WooCommerce order information:

Screenshot of mapping Gravity Form Fields to WooCommerce Order Properties.
Screenshot of mapping Gravity Form Fields to WooCommerce Order Properties.

Available WooCommerce Order Properties

The following WooCommerce order properties are available to map to your Gravity Form:

Order informationOrder ID | User ID | Order Number | Order Status | Order Date | Billing First Name | Total Number of Items | Customer Note
Cart informationCart Total | Cart Subtotal | Cart Discount | Coupon Codes Used
Payment informationPayment Method | Transaction ID | Currency | Currency Symbol | View Order URL | Tax | Tax included or excluded
Billing informationBilling Last Name | Billing Company | Billing Address | Billing Email | Billing Phone | Billing Address Line 1 |
Billing Address Line 2 | Billing City | Billing Postcode | Billing Country Code | Billing Country | Billing State Code | Billing State
Shipping informationShipping First Name | Shipping Last Name | Shipping Company | Shipping Address | Shipping Address Line 1 | Shipping Address Line 2 | Shipping City | Shipping Postcode | Shipping Country Code | Shipping Country | Shipping State Code | Shipping State | Shipping Method | Shipping Total | Shipping Tax

Examples or connecting WooCommerce with Gravity Forms

With this Add-on you have all your favorite Gravity Forms tools and Add-ons like Views, Perks, Charts, Merge Tags and Workflow steps available to process WooCommerce data in the way you want. Think for example about:

  • Triggering an outgoing webhook or an e-mail notification on specific orders, informing a supplier about this order, with the possibility to add approval steps, asking for an additional Form entry, updating your stock inside another system.
  • Creating a custom order overview for your employees, with additional checklists and statuses, separate from WooCommerce, with to-do action points that are specific for your organization.
  • Sending the client a follow-up request a few days later to give a review, on your own site or on Google, Yelp or other review sites (with customized links to make it as easy as possible for them).
  • Changing / cleaning up / sanitizing data to make it ready for other systems your organization uses.
  • Publishing something automatically on your website after a successful order payment, showing how many items are sold.

The possibilities are endless, only limited by your imagination. A must have Add-on for people that want to improve their sales process and open up all the Gravity Tools that you’re experienced with.

Using Gravity Flow as a WooCommerce Payment method

The WooCommerce Add-on also adds an extra Payment Method to your Payments tab in the WooCommerce settings:

Screenshot of Payment tab in WooCommerce with Gravity Flow as option.
Screenshot of Payment tab in WooCommerce with Gravity Flow as option.

By enabling the Gravity Flow Payment Method for WooCommerce, you can let customers pay later in the workflow at a payment step. You can also disable all other Gateways if you want to have full control with Gravity Forms and Flow to manage the payment process.

Screenshot of the Gravity Flow Payment method settings.
Screenshot of the Gravity Flow Payment method settings.

Read more tutorials about Steve Henty S.L.

Steve Henty S.L. is the developer of Gravity Flow. Gravity Flow provides you with a huge amount of options to organize workflow steps after somebody submits a Gravity Form entry. Visit GravityFlow.io
All tutorials Steve Henty S.L.