Poll Field
If you want to count the number of specific Poll Field answers, you’ll have to find the specific value that is generated automatically by Gravity Forms when adding a Poll Field to your form.
A simple way to get the actual value of the Poll Field choice is to use Inspector in your browser:
Another way is to lookup the value of your Poll Field choices in the Gravity Form itself. Read here a detailed instruction to get it that way:
- Click on the Poll Field
- Click on Edit Choices
- Click on Bulk Add / Predefined Choices
After clicking ‘Click on Bulk Add / Predefined Choices’ you will see a list of the questions with the labels on the left side and the automatically generated values on the other side of the vertical bar |.
In our example we get these values:
First Choice|gpoll1da215df0
Second Choice|gpoll1adc89aa4
Third Choice|gpoll1a4334ae5
We want to count the number of times the First Choice was submitted, so we use the value gpoll1da215df0 in our shortcode like this (where the Form ID is 70 and the Poll Field ID is 1):
[gravitywp_count formid=70 filter_field=1 filter_value=gpoll1da215df0]
For our demo Poll Field on this page, the number of times First Choice was submitted is: 9x.
Check it out yourself (and don’t forget to refresh the page after submit to see the number changing in the text above).