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Type: Merge Tag


Generate a random token with customizable attributes like length and character set


The gwp_calculate Merge Tag returns the result of a calculation formula and formats the number as specified.


Allows the dynamic retrieval of user information based on the current logged-in user's properties.


Enables the retrieval of entry properties using the encrypted entry ID (eeid) URL parameter. Intended for use on pages/posts/confirmation messages that are displayed in the browser.


Returns the post-id for a certain url.


Returns the currrent date and / or time or a modified and formatted date / time relative to the current date / time.


Returns the WordPress site url, the WordPress home url, the current url, or an element of the current url.


Returns the current time measured in the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT).

Merge Tags Calculations

Extra Merge Tags with the List Column sum and Row count (number of rows).


Returns a modified date time relative to the date time of a field-value with a date/time string in the desired format.


Returns a modified date time relative to the date time when the entry was last updated in the desired format.


Returns a modified date time relative to the date time when the entry was created in the desired format.


Returns the slug of one of the parent posts of the current post and let's you pick the depth of ancestor you need.


Retrieve values from entries from another form, based on a shared value.