Styling the Range Slider
Style your sliders in the form settings.
Setting Default Date
How to set a Default Date for the List Field column.
Selecting Date Format
What Date Formats are available and how to select.
Configuring List Datepicker
How to configure the List Datepicker.
Calculated min / max range
Enable Valid Range Calculation, calculating the minimum and maximum value dependent on other values in your Gravity Form using Merge Tags.
Min / Max Calculation for Formulas
Min() and Max() formula, calculate the minimum or maximum value from a range of fields using Merge Tags.
Fixed Point Notation
Enabling Fixed Point Notation will force a number to always have the specified number of decimals, even if it's zero.
How to round numbers, decide on number of decimal places and rounding method (round, ceil, floor)
Range Slider Settings
Turn a Number Field into a (range) Slider.
Custom Units
Show custom units like % or m2 behind a Number Field value.
Enable Number Format
Configure List Field Number Format, pick Rounding options and direction, Range and enable Range instructions or Column Total.